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Drecksackblase mit 2437d 14:36

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Drecksackblase mit 2437d 14:36


05.12.2007, 17:12
(editiert von , 22.01.2009, 16:37)

stbup for DNS323? (Deamon)

Hi all, after installing stbup onto all my Dreamboxes, WRT54G(L) and Fritz!Box, I would like now to set up also the deamon onto my D-Link DNS-323 NAS.

I wonder if somebody has compiled already the binary for this specific processor?

The info on cross compile can be found here:

Thanks in advance, best regards,



16.01.2008, 15:06
(editiert von , 22.01.2009, 16:37)

@ Baltic

stbup for DNS323?

sorry i´m not a good "crosscompiler" its not my world

i hope somewone teache me to crosscompile


21.01.2008, 05:15
(editiert von , 22.01.2009, 16:38)

@ FiS

stbup for DNS323?

in the download area is a stbup vor NAS Qnap Turbostation. you could try


03.02.2008, 09:43
(editiert von , 22.01.2009, 16:38)

@ FiS

stbup for DNS323?

» in the download area is a stbup vor NAS Qnap Turbostation. you could try

Tested, but failed - wrong processor ;)


19.11.2008, 14:42
(editiert von , 22.01.2009, 16:38)

@ FiS

stbup for DNS323?

I've compiled stbup using the 0.18 source for the DNS323/CH3SNAS. However, the uptime reported by the kernel is not correct (er... it IS correct, but only counted in seconds from 1-1-1970 12:00AM, which is completely unuseable for EUP).

Either the kernel should report the correct time through uptime, or the sourcecode should be adjusted to recalculate to the correct number of days.

Anyone with cpp skils around ? ;-)

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